Fear Of Being Alone, Personal Power & Getting What You Want

For me, one of the compelling facts about fear is that it’s based in a lack of personal power.

By personal power I mean a sense of presence in the world that allows you to get what you want: that allows you to know, despite the most adverse circumstances, that you do have sufficient strength of mind, and sufficient personal power to overcome any difficulties you may face and “win through”.

Now it may be difficult for people who are fearful by nature to understand how they can step out into place of great personal power and overcome their difficulties.

Of course it’s a challenge because if you’re not experienced in using your personal power, and you don’t have much knowledge of what it feels like to be fully present in the world, the difference between where you are now, and where you can possibly get to seems enormous.

Yet when you take personal development work step-by-step, what you discover almost immediately is that a gradual approach can lead to success which previously might have seemed unimaginable.

From the earliest days of self-development theory, and personal growth writing, there has been a consistent thread of explanation and information about the possibility of getting what you want through the power of visualization and imagination.

People have called this various things: “working with law”; manifestation; the law of attraction; prayer; and many other things besides.

I think such classification represents the human desire to understand. Yet those of us who believe in a cosmic consciousness, supreme intelligence, the great mystery, or, to put it more simply, God, might say that some things have to remain a mystery because they simply cannot be understood from a human perspective.

And I think that’s probably nowhere more true than in the field of manifestation and the law of attraction.

The earliest, or at least one of the earliest, writers on the subject was Napoleon Hill, whose book Think and Grow Rich has sold over 100 million copies since 1937. He emphasized that when there is strong motivation, intense desire, complete belief or faith, and positive expectation, that almost anything can be done by any human being.

People who have understood what he wrote have practiced manifestation ever since; those who didn’t understand or couldn’t summon up enough belief in the possibility of manifestation have scorned the idea ever since.

Yet here again, those who believe in manifestation have no reason to proselytize or to try and convert the doubters: sufficient unto the day that you experience the reality of manifestation for yourself.

And the reason that it’s incredibly important if you are in a position of fear is this: fear is perhaps the most limiting of all human emotions. Fear strangles potential at birth, and it also prevents you from living the life that is your God-given destiny and right as a human being.

If you can imagine for a moment a world where anything is possible, you can begin to understand that being restricted by fear doesn’t help you achieve anything, most of all the expression of who you truly are.

But there are more practical reasons for overcoming fear by using mental techniques like the law of attraction and manifestation, which I could sum up simply by saying this: your natural birthright as human being is to live a life of joy and fulfillment, and one of the most fundamental ways in which any human being can achieve joint fulfillment is by entering into a relationship with a like-minded partner.

If you’re not currently in relationship it’s a fair bet that you’re most likely looking for a relationship, but that you don’t believe you’re worthwhile in some way, so you are likely to end up in a relationship which is neither a reflection of your true potential nor going to serve you to your highest good.

But don’t despair: overcoming your sense of risk and limitation is not easy, but it is possible, and by applying the mental techniques that you can discover here – www.therealsecretofsuccess.com – you will be able to achieve, believe it or not, quite literally everything you desire.

Well – I should qualify that statement immediately, by making the observation that you are only going to achieve that which you can believe to be possible for yourself. The law of manifestation, or the law of attraction to be more accurate, isn’t some kind of magical formula which means that you just ask the universe to provide you with riches galore or a perfect partner, and a day later you find they turn up on your doorstep!

As I observed above, there are several criteria that have to be met before manifestation will work: above all, you need to believe that what you are asking for is possible, you need to have faith in its manifestation, you need to have a real desire for it, and above all you need to expect that it’s possible for you.

Now the universe isn’t foolish or insensitive to what you want, but on the other hand it isn’t indiscriminately responsive, and it won’t react to insincerity, disbelief, or lack of effort. That’s a shorthand way of saying that if you actually want to manifest something really important for yourself, then you need to put in some effort. You can find out exactly what the techniques are that will allow you to do this by visiting the website which I’ve linked to higher up this page. I wish you good luck, because frankly, you are the only person who is going to be able to solve your problems.

How to be happy in your own company – and enjoy great relationships with the right people