Law of Attraction

It’s amazing to me how many people try the law of attraction but give up before they’ve achieved any great success.

I think in a way that’s one of the more pernicious outcomes of books and articles and TV program like The Secret in that it makes the process of manifestation (and getting what you want through attraction and co-creation) seem like a very simple and straightforward matter of applying a formula.

Yet the truth of the matter is, as anyone who has practiced manifestation will know, these processes can be anything but simple – and even though the outline of how to do it is often given in a way that makes it seem very straightforward, the complexities of actually producing reality (or “co-creating” reality) can be very much greater.

For one thing, a great deal of mental effort and energy is required to focus the thoughts which you are propelling out into the universe with your desires attached to them.

And we know that without sufficient mental energy, there is absolutely no chance whatsoever of you being able to manifest anything.

One of the things that perplexes people is the need for an explanation – and for example, the very statement that I made in the paragraph above (about requiring sufficient mental energy to manifest anything) is an example of why people want an explanation of this process.

And of course it’s quite understandable – viewed from the materialistic plane that we live on a day-to-day basis, manifestation and the Law of Attraction do seem to be esoteric principles.

To say that you can send out your desires into the universe by just propelling them with emotional fuel is a mysterious and somewhat inexplicable statement. Of course people want to know why emotional fuel – the energy of gratitude, for example – would be a propellant that drives our thoughts outwards into the universe in a way that can make them manifest in physical reality.

Yet at the same time there is an argument which is indeed sound, propagated I think for the first time by Wallace D Wattles in the early 20th century, which goes something like this: why would you even need to know how it works? In other words,  if you are aware that a process that you can follow has a certain outcome- why would you not want to just follow the steps and see the results for yourself?

I think that resolves around the issue of the human need for understanding, but this brings us to an interesting position: the manifestation of anything in life (be it weight loss, a better relationship, prosperity and abundance, a better sexual performance, renewal of friendships with your ex partners, or anything else) is in the end an act of faith. If you want to attract a pleasing relationship with a woman who loves you, then this might just be the way to do it.

And by definition, acts of faith do not require explanation – they are in fact something that you can take as a given because you know that if you do certain things with sufficiently strong belief and confidence in the outcome, the outcome that you desire will actually manifest.

It’s an extraordinary and rather beautiful equation whereby you can indeed get what you want, simply by applying a few simple straightforward steps.

So back to the question of why people fail to manifest anything. Why think for one thing that most people don’t know what they want. And even those who do not they want probably don’t have sufficient energy to sustain the belief that they need to drive their enthusiasm to the high levels of energy necessary for manifestation to be successful.

It’s why the power of prayer has been so intermittently successful for people over the years. I mean, we all know somebody – good heavens, you might even do it yourself – who, in times of trouble, resorts to prayer for their solutions.

Yet how rarely do prayers actually manifest an answer? I think if you cast your mind over any successful experience that you might  have had of praying for an outcome, you will always recognise that there is a common factor at work: complete  faith in the outcome.

It’s no coincidence that complete faith is one of the primary adjuncts to successful manifestation through the law of attraction – the others being desire, expectancy, and action. If you like to know more about this you can find out all the principles of manifestation, and get a really clear and simple explanation of how it all works from this website (which is all about manifestation).