Category Archives: overcoming sexual problems

How To Overcome Sexual Problems

Self Entrancement Arousal Leads To Better Sex

You probably haven’t heard this term before, so we need to look at it in detail, what it means, and how it forms part of the method to help men sexual problems. These include premature ejaculation and other sexual problems like delayed ejaculation and erectile dysfunction. If you don’t know about delayed ejaculation you can read this book on delayed ejaculation to get a good overview.

Basically, the purpose of self-entrancement arousal is to allow a man to become much more connected with his own body. That’s in terms of both what it looks like and what it feels like. Another part of the same developmental process is to become more aware of how he responds to the touch of his partner.

Most men with premature ejaculation focus on partner involvement as a method of becoming aroused. In other words, the man’s actually focusing on erotic experiences that are outside his own body. He’s thinking, for example, of how sexy his partner is as he looks as her body; he’s not thinking about the pleasure he is feeling in his own body.

Of course this may seem very natural to men who don’t know there is another way: which is to focus on their own bodily arousal, pleasure and sexual experience.

And it is also an enjoyable method of becoming sexually aroused, which reinforces the tendency men have to take that approach…. But it doesn’t provide many ways of developing good control of your own arousal.

Lasting Longer In Bed

One of the characteristics of men who experience premature ejaculation, or have no control over their orgasm and ejaculation, is that they don’t know when they are going to ejaculate.

When it happens they may feel very surprised by it – almost as though it’s come from nowhere. So to learn better ejaculatory control, it’s necessary for a man to learn how he can focus on his own arousal.  This is an arousal style called sensual self-entrancement arousal.

As you can guess from the words, the focus here is all about one’s own physical or bodily sensations. The term self-entrancement arousal is an umbrella term for several techniques. Each of those techniques has a focus on the man’s own physical bodily sensations.

So in other words a man can develop greater stamina in bed by becoming “self-entranced” rather than by interacting with his partner.

Video – self entrancement arousal

This is a proven route to greater control of arousal. By focusing much more on the physical sensations you experience during sex, and learning how to control and respond to your own arousal, you can feel less anxiety, and this further controls your tendency to ejaculate too quickly.

And it’s a far better approach to controlling sexual arousal than so-called distraction techniques, which simply don’t work.

Self-entrancement allows you to focus on the pleasurable feelings that you’re experiencing in your body during sex rather than focusing on something “external” such as a sexual fantasy. Or, for that matter,  your partner’s breasts or body. And it prevents you from trying to distract yourself from the feelings and experience of sex.

In brief, the techniques that are incorporated into a self-entrancement arousal approach to arousal control are:

PC muscle control

This means learning to consciously relax the pubococcygeal muscle in the pelvic area. This is not hard to do but requires training. Once the technique has been learned, it provides a simple focus for ensuring that you are both physically relaxed and also using the muscle to increase stamina in bed by means of greater ejaculatory control.

A man is taught to relax his pubococcygeal muscles at the same time as he is becoming sexually aroused. When the man relaxes these muscle before penetration, there is a natural ejaculation inhibition.

The Stop Start Technique For Premature Ejaculation

The stop-start technique was developed by James Semans in 1956. It basically requires a man to train himself using masturbation to develop an awareness of how aroused he is, so that he knows how near or far from the point of ejaculatory inevitability he is at any time.

After learning this by means of self-pleasuring, the technique is extended to involve sexual and sensual activity with the man’s partner.

The stop-start technique develops a man’s stamina and endurance in bed by employing a progressive series of exercises. These help the man develop a clear awareness of when he’s getting near the point of orgasm because he can recognize the physical sensations which precede ejaculation. And, when ejaculation is too close, he can stop sexual stimulation and so avoid coming. In other words, the stop start technique develops awareness and allows a man to last longer in bed and control his ejaculation response.

A Cognitive Arousal Continuum

Developed by Michael Metz, this  involves mental discipline: controlling the thoughts that occur during sexual stimulation so that you can regulate your own arousal. With much greater and considerably increased arousal, you can learn how to overcome delayed ejaculation as well.

Basically, when using the arousal continuum technique, a man will make the effort to think about and distinguish between the various thoughts, feelings, sensory impressions, actions and behaviors which characterize his own arousal pattern.

When he can do this, he can basically rank these things in order of how important they are in bringing him to a greater state of arousal: to put it simply, how stimulating they are.

And then, during lovemaking itself, a man can manage, his level of sexual arousal by choosing to focus on certain aspects of his thoughts. These may either increase arousal or reduce it. This will help him to last longer in bed and be a better lover with more stamina. They can also help him become much more aroused before he makes love to his partner; this will help him ejaculate faster if he experiences delayed ejaculation.

For premature ejaculation, this approach prevents the rapid “running away” of arousal and the unexpected arrival at the point of no return.

Sensate Focus

This is effectively a form of co-operative bodily communication with a partner.

We mentioned earlier that it’s better for a man who can’t control his ejaculation and lacks stamina in bed to focus on his own sense of pleasure rather than to focus on the arousal that he receives because of the presence of his lover.

So, in brief, when the couple are relaxing and pleasuring each other, the woman will stimulate her man’s penis very gently and calmly as he concentrates on the physical sensations he’s experiencing.

This is another way of developing his sense of self-entrancement. This is necessary for appropriate ejaculation control. It helps a man develop his ability to last longer in bed and to pleasure his partner fully.

So here we have a combination of erection, stimulation, and what might be termed “calm arousal” all being practiced at the same time. The goal is to achieve arousal at the same time as physical relaxation. And this, in turn, ensures a man is not becoming aroused too soon, too fast, too much – in a way which is beyond his ability to control.

As you may know, fast orgasm or ejaculation is the most common male sexual problem. Indeed, for a young man fast ejaculation is quite normal. And delayed ejaculation is very common too – around 10% of men may be experiencing it at any time.

But for a significant proportion of men, a lack of stamina in bed, i.e. premature ejaculation, continues into their adult life, leaving them dissatisfied with their sexual performance, and their partners sexually unsatisfied. Learning new techniques of arousal can lead to massive improvements in a man’s sexual ability, and an increase in his pleasure as well as that of his partner. 
